
We love our planet Earth and we are doing everything in our power to make it a better place for everyone.
From Lighting to Heating, we offer multiple avenues to save energy and reduce carbon footprint- but we haven’t stopped there.

We seek to empower the world with energy efficient and responsible products across our brands. This include smart technology and
lighting automation where at the touch of your mobile phone you can control your lights and electricity or dim and turn off unwanted power.

We continue to develop our manufacturing facilities and offices to operate at the forefront of sustainability. At Orel Park, we recycle water. We do rain water harvesting. The entire facility is solar powered. The complex was built with bio-diversity in mind. Flora and Fauna invite butterflies and bees alike, making for an eco friendly working environment. Most employees live in close proximity to the Orel Park, making the cost of commute minimal.

Indeed, we are on a journey towards being Carbon Neutral.